Café Slowly (카페 느리게)


It's a cafe located near Cheongnyeongpo Scenic Site. Visitors can enjoy the riverside scenery of Yeongwol from a window seat. The signature drinks are Corn-spänner and Barley Dango. Corn-spänner is a sweet, creamy drink made with corn milk and cream, and Barley Dango is a drink made with finely ground barley, roasted grain powder, homemade cream, and dango. Guests are warmly welcomed into the cafe by the resident cat, making it especially suitable for travelers who love pets.

Information Use

Representative menu : Corn-spänner, Barley Dango

Contact and Information : +82-10-8676-7770

Business hours : 11:00-22:00

Day off : Thursdays

Handling menu : Slowly cream matcha, Americano, café latte, cream coconut latte


37 Cheongnyeongpo-ro, Yeongwol-eup, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do