Sinseonhan Gegukji Ganjang Gejang (신선한게국지간장게장)

  • Sinseonhan Gegukji Ganjang Gejang (신선한게국지간장게장)
  • Sinseonhan Gegukji Ganjang Gejang (신선한게국지간장게장)


Sinseonhan Gegukji Ganjang Gejang, which can be translated to “Fresh Gegukji Soy Sauce Marinated Crab,” is a restaurant located in the middle of Daecheon Beach that specializes in crab dishes made from fresh crabs caught in the West Sea. Gegukji is a unique food from the Taean and Seosan regions in Chungcheongnam-do, where a crab or crab broth is boiled with kimchi. The combination of crab broth and kimchi creates a unique savory flavor. Gegukji is an uncommon dish in other parts of Korea, so visitors are recommended to try it, especially thos who love Korean kimchi dishes or jjigae. 


Information Use

Representative menu : Gegukji / Soy Sauce Marinated Crab

Contact and Information : +82-507-1407-8177

Business hours : Weekdays 09:30-21:00 / Weekends 08:30-21:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : Wednesdays

Handling menu : Gegukji / Soy Sauce Marinated Crab / Grilled Prawn


76 Haesuyokjang 4-gil, Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do