Dongbaek Hoegwan (동백회관)

  • Dongbaek Hoegwan (동백회관)
  • Dongbaek Hoegwan (동백회관)
  • Dongbaek Hoegwan (동백회관)
  • Dongbaek Hoegwan (동백회관)


Dongbaek Hoegwan is a Korean table d'hote restaurant located near Yeosu Expo Park. Meals are provided according to the number of people and price range. A table full of seasonal seafood such as blue crab, flatfish, shrimp, webfoot octopus, sea urchin, and octopus is generously prepared. With a variety of cooking methods including raw fish dishes, soups, braised dishes, and mixed seafood platters, it is a must-visit restaurant for seafood lovers.


동백회관 061-664-1487

Information Use

Representative menu : Hanjeongsik (Korean table d'hote)

Contact and Information : +82-61-664-1487

Business hours : 11:00-21:00 (Break time 15:00-17:00)

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Lobster, Samhap (Skate, pork, and kimchi combo)


74 Odongdo-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do