Café Calming


Café Calming is a serene dessert café celebrated for its stunning view of the Hangang River, offering a tranquil escape. The café's signature dish is the saengmango bingsu (shaved ice with fresh mango), which is garnished an entire sliced mango on top. Its spacious interior and outdoor terrace provide plenty of seating, with the terrace exuding the feel of a Southeast Asian resort. Alongside this, the café serves homemade scones that complement their slightly sour espresso perfectly. A notable highlight of the Café Calming is its stunning views of the Hangang River at sunset.


Information Use

Representative menu : Saengmango bingsu (Shaved ice with fresh mango)

Contact and Information : +82-507-1496-3110

Business hours : 11:00-20:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Apple mango bingsu (Shaved ice with apple mango), Mango yogurt smoothie


311 Soraji-ro, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do