Hanilok (한일옥)


Hanilok is a must-visit Korean restaurant in Gunsan. Its flagship dish is the hanu muuguk (Korean beef and radish soup) made with Korean beef. Other menu items include hanu yukhoe bibimbap (Korean beef tartare bibimbap), dakguk (chicken soup), and galbitang (galbi soup), all of which promise delightful flavors. Housed in a Japanese-style building constructed in 1937 and renovated into a restaurant, Hanilok also offers the fun of exploring antique exhibits on the second floor.



Information Use

Representative menu : Hanu muuguk (Korean beef and radish soup)

Contact and Information : +82-63-446-5502

Business hours : 06:00-21:30

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Hanu yukhoe bibimbap (Korean beef tartare bibimbap), Dakguk (Chiken soup)


63 Guyeong 3-gil, Gunsan-si, Jeonbuk-do