Jogeummaru (조금마루)


Jogeummaru is a duck specialty restaurant that exclusively utilizes domestically-raised ducks in its culinary creations. The ducks are raised with sulfur, contributing to a clean and rich flavor profile, free from undesirable odors. The signature menu features ori yangnyeom bulgogi (duck bulgogi), ori tang (duck soup), and ori sutbul gui (charcoal-grilled duck). Ori yangnyeom bulgogi entails duck marinated in a spicy seasoning, grilled on a pan with added chives. Ori tang is a meticulously prepared broth cooked for 12 hours, incorporating various vegetables. Additionally, eomnamu ori baeksuk (whole duck soup with castor aralia) offers a unique dish where duck is boiled with medicinal herbs.


Information Use

Representative menu : Ori bulgogi (Duck bulgogi)

Contact and Information : +82-52-263-7060

Business hours : 11:00-21:00 (Break time 14:00-17:00 / Last order 20:30)

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : First Wednesday of every month

Handling menu : Ori hunje (Smoked duck), Saeng samgyeopsal (Grilled pork belly), Ori tang (Duck soup)


9 Seosangpyeonggangbyeon-gil, Samnam-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan