La Foresta (라포레스타)


La Foresta is a café with a spacious outdoor garden. The interior has a cozy atmosphere with wood tones. The garden is adorned with various types of trees and flowers, creating a park-like ambiance. Signature drinks include foresta double latte, made with hazelnut milk and espresso, blood orange featuring blood orange infused tea, and dewy cherry mango, a refreshing blend of cherry tea with mango puree and coconut jelly.


Information Use

Representative menu : Foresta double latte (Hazelnut latte)

Contact and Information : +82-44-868-2560

Business hours : 10:30-22:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Blood orange (Blood oragne tea), Dewy cherry mango (Cherry mango pure coconut jelly tea), Matcha latte


130 Daecheop-ro, Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong-si