Pungsan Sikdang (풍산식당)


Pungsan Sikdang is a Korean restaurant located near Yi Sun-sin Park. Its signature dishes include agwi tang (monkfish soup) and seodae hoe (sliced raw tongue sole). Yeosu's agwi tang features a savory soybean paste base with fresh monkfish and bean sprouts, known for its mild yet flavorful taste. The seodae hoe is marinated in a unique blend of makgeolli (unrefined rice wine) vinegar and spicy seasoning, best enjoyed by mixing with rice and laver provided.

Information Use

Representative menu : Agwi tang (Monkfish soup)

Contact and Information : +82-61-662-8697

Business hours : 08:00-21:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : Mondays

Handling menu : Seodae hoe (Sliced raw tongue sole), Jangeo tang (Spicy eel stew)


72-26 Jungang-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do