Imgane Hanu Maeul (임가네한우마을)

  • Imgane Hanu Maeul (임가네한우마을)
  • Imgane Hanu Maeul (임가네한우마을)
  • Imgane Hanu Maeul (임가네한우마을)
  • Imgane Hanu Maeul (임가네한우마을)
  • Imgane Hanu Maeul (임가네한우마을)


Imgane Hanu Maeul is a dedicated restaurant specializing in Hanu (Korean Beef). Customers have the privilege of personally selecting and grilling tender and fresh Hanuteuksubuwigui (Grilled Korean beef special cuts), Deungsim (Sirloin), and Galbisal (Galbi). Renowned for its high-quality beef offered at reasonable prices, the restaurant consistently attracts crowds. Among its popular menu items is the Yukhoebibimbap (Beef tartare bibimbap), which features savory Yukhoe (Beef tartare) mixed with vegetables, chili paste, and sesame oil, as well as the comforting Galbitang (Galbi soup). Complementing the meat with grilled Tteok (Rice cake) and pine mushroom adds an extra delightful dimension to the dining experience.

Information Use

Representative menu : Hanuteuksubuwigui (Grilled Korean beef special cuts)

Contact and Information : +82-31-968-3800

Business hours : 11:00-22:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Hanubulgogi (Korean beef bulgogi), Hanugalbitang (Korean beef galbi soup), Yukhoebibimbap (Beef tartare bibimbap)

More information



443-12, Heungdo-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do