Ttiul Seokgalbi Doma Branch (띠울석갈비 도마점)


Ttiul Seokgalbi is a Korean restaurant specializing in seokgalbi (stone-grilled galbi), a traditional Korean dish where galbi are grilled over charcoal and served on a hot stone plate. The meat is sweetly marinated and grilled, offering a convenient and enjoyable dining experience. Customers have the choice between pork and beef, and a spicy seasoning option is also available.

Information Use

Representative menu : Soseokgalbi (Stone-grilled beef galbi)

Contact and Information : +82-42-527-8818

Business hours : 11:00-21:30

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : Seollal (Lunar New Year's Day) & Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day) holidays

Handling menu : Dwaeji seokgalbi (Stone-grilled pork galbi), Gochujang seokgalbi (Stone-grilled red chili paste marinated galbi)


1353 Gyebaek-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon