Nonggamatjip Mil (농가맛집 밀)


Nonggamatjip Mil is located near Gayasan Wildflower Botanical Garden. This establishment serves dishes made from vegetables harvested from Gayasan Mountain, in-house produced honey, and agricultural products from Seongju. Their signature offering is the Mil hanjeongsik (Korean table d'hote), featuring borigulbi (barley-aged dried yellow croaker), grilled chicken, and japchae. Additionally, they offer handmade bowls, honey, and flower tea for sale.


농가맛집 밀 054-931-2660

Information Use

Representative menu : Mil hanjeongsik (Mil's Korean table d'hote)

Contact and Information : +82-54-931-2660

Business hours : 11:00 ~ 20:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : Mondays

Handling menu : Yeonnipbap jeongsik (Lotus leaf rice set menu), Borigulbi jeongsik (Barley-aged dried yellow croaker set menu)

More information



1566 Deogun-ro, Suryun-myeon, Seongju-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do