Cheongpungjip (청풍집)

  • Cheongpungjip (청풍집)
  • Cheongpungjip (청풍집)


Sundae is a beloved traditional dish enjoyed as a snack in Korea. It is made by filling pork or beef intestines with mung bean sprouts, dried napa cabbage, glass noodles, and other ingredients, which are then flavored with soybean paste. Different regions and different shops have their own takes on the dish, along with different choices of sauce. Cheongpungjip, located in Muhak Market, Chungju, is famous for its Chungju-style sundae soup, served with dried radish or napa cabbage leaves. Its taste is so well-known that visitors from other cities come to this place just to get the soup as a takeout. The management is also known for their hearty approach to business, with extra sundae, intestines, or side dishes being a common addition to the flavors of Chungju’s tradition. You can find the store within the Sundae and Mandu Alley.

Information Use

Representative menu : Sundae and rice soup, sundae

Contact and Information : +82-43-852-5504

Business hours : TUE - SUN

Parking facilities : Y (use parking lot at the entrance to the Muhak Market)

Day off : MON

Handling menu : Head meat slices, assorted cuts, sundae, sundae and rice soup


90, Muhakcheonbyeon-gil, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do