Chodang Gelato Dokkaebi Branch (초당젤라또 도깨비점)


Chodang Gelato Dokkaebi Branch is a gelateria and a cafe located right in front of Jumunjin Breakwater, the filming site of the popular Korean drama “Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016).” It has a rotating selection of flavors centered around its signature menu item soft bean curd, and milk gelato. One can also have two different flavors in a cup. The interior is full of cups with cutesy characters and markers that one can use to draw on them. Second-floor seats are quite popular because they overlook Yeongjinhaebyeon Beach. Visitors who seek to secure a seat on the second floor are recommended to visit the store right before the opening time. Another popular menu is the Dokkaebi Coffee, made with Gangneung corn.


Information Use

Representative menu : Gelato

Contact and Information : +82-507-1356-0079

Business hours : Monday-Wednesday 10:00-18:00 /
Thursday-Friday 10:00–19:00 /
Weekends 09:00–19:00
/ * Last order is 30 min before closing

Day off : Subject to closure without notice

Handling menu : Dokkaebi Coffee / Gelato


1605 , Haean-ro, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do