RADOST (라도스트)

  • RADOST (라도스트)


A restaurant frequented by office workers in Jongno after work. The best menu at this restaurant is deep-fried and braised boneless chicken. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.



Information Use

Representative menu : Deep-fried and Braised Boneless Chicken

Contact and Information : •1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-734-8945

Business hours : 14:00-01:00 (Last Order 23:30)

Reservation : available

Day off : Open 24/7

Handling menu : Deep-fried and Braised Boneless Chicken / Barbecue


17, Ujeongguk-ro, 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul