Jimmys Natural Ice Cream (지미스)


Jimmys Natural Ice Cream specializes in delicious desserts made from the specialty of Udo Island, Jeju - peanuts. Along with their signature menu item, Udo Peanut Ice Cream, they also offer popular choices like the Udo Peanut Cream Latte and coffee, unique to Udo.



Information Use

Representative menu : Wonjo udo ttangkong ice cream (Handmade Udo peanut ice cream)

Contact and Information : +82-10-9868-8633

Business hours : Weekdays 08:30-18:00 / Weekend 08:30-18:00 / Winter season 08:30-16:30

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : Not available

Handling menu : Hallabong cheonhyehyang ice cream (Handmade mandarin ice cream), Peanut cream latte


1132 Udohaean-gil, Udo-myeon, Jeju-si, Jeju-do