You are here Cafe - Myeongdong Branch(유아히어카페 명동)

  • You are here Cafe - Myeongdong Branch(유아히어카페 명동)


This is a cafe located in Myeong-dong, Seoul. The representative menu is croissant. A luncheon café that has endeared itself to office workers and foreigners.



Information Use

Representative menu : Croissant

Contact and Information : • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-771-2288

Business hours : 07:30-23:30 (Last Order 23:00)

Handling menu : Croissant / Pain au Chocolat


23, Myeongdong, 9-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul