Calle Seomyeon 1-beonga (서면1번가) - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Calle Seomyeon 1-beonga (서면1번가)

Calle Seomyeon 1-beonga (서면1번가)

.0M    2021-03-30

Sincheon-daero 62-beongil 61, Busanjin-gu, Busan.

El área de Seomyeon es una de las principales zonas comerciales de Busan, compuesta por una variedad de tiendas de moda, de comidas, bares, etc., y frecuentada por gran cantidad de jóvenes. También dispone de muchos lugares para entretenerse: cines, discotecas, clubes, etc., y las calles se mantienen iluminadas y abarrotadas de gente hasta tarde. Se ha instalado un escenario especial para los festivales de primavera y otoño, por lo que es cada vez más visitado por turistas y residentes.

Eojju (어쭈)

Eojju (어쭈)

47.6M    2021-03-30

26, Seomyeon-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan

It is a restaurant specializing in steamed clams and grilled clams using seasonal clams. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is steamed cams.

Gaemijip Seo-myeon(개미집 서면)

Gaemijip Seo-myeon(개미집 서면)

54.9M    2020-12-28

73 Sincheon-daero 62beon-gil Busanjin-gu Busan

It is a restaurant specializing in spicy stir-fried octopus but also serves dishes made of octopus, beef intestines, and shrimps. This restaurant's signature menu is stir-fried octopus, beef small intestine and shrimp. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.

Dolbaegi(돌배기집 서면1번가)

Dolbaegi(돌배기집 서면1번가)

68.6M    2020-12-04

47 Sincheon-daero 62beon-gil Busanjin-gu Busan

It is a place where you can eat Chadolbagi (brisket point) with special sauce. The best menu at this restaurant is grilled beef brisket. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.



120.7M    2021-04-14

21, Seomyeon-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan

This is a store where you can enjoy Japanese Seiro Mushi (steamed beef and vegetables). This Japanese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is salmon sashimi.

123 Makchang Seo-myeon(123막창 서면)

123 Makchang Seo-myeon(123막창 서면)

123.9M    2020-12-04

44 Seomyeon-ro Busanjin-gu Busan

This is a place where you can eat Makchang (entrails) with unlimited refills among Koreans' favorite grilled dishes. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is grilled pork intestine.

Kkamandon (까만돈)

Kkamandon (까만돈)

123.7M    2021-03-30

26, Bujeon-ro 20beon-gil, Busanjin-gu, Busan

You can enjoy the taste of Jeju-do Heukddoeji (black pork) in Busan. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is grilled black pork belly.

Seosamjip (서삼집)

Seosamjip (서삼집)

169.7M    2021-03-30

68, Sincheon-daero 50beon-gil, Busanjin-gu, Busan

It is a meat restaurant boasting of good taste and reasonable prices. This restaurant's signature menu is grilled pork belly. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.

Balhae Yangkkochi (발해양꼬치)

Balhae Yangkkochi (발해양꼬치)

180.1M    2021-03-30

60, Gaya-daero 784beon-gil, Busanjin-gu, Busan

It is a place where you can enjoy various Chinese dishes as well as lamb dishes. This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is lamb skewers.

Yugane Seo-myeon LOTTE(유가네 서면롯데)

Yugane Seo-myeon LOTTE(유가네 서면롯데)

182.1M    2021-02-24

50 Seomyeon-ro Busanjin-gu Busan

It is a place where fresh Dakgalbi (spicy stir-frided chicken) are supplied and sold. A spicy stir-fried chicken specialty restaurant located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is spicy stir-fried chicken with cheese.