0m 67 2021-04-14
81, Oncheon-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
It is a place for not only family gatherings, but also group dinners. This restaurant's signature menu is spicy white seafood noodle soup. This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Yuseong-gu, Daejeon.
92.80296638711546m 11675 2021-02-05
92, Oncheon-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Hotel Interciti is located along a tributary of the Geumgang River in Bongmyeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon and offers a wide open view of the city. It has gained an excellent reputation for providing comfortable and convenient services to travelers. The hotel is equipped with natural hot springs and Korean and Western restaurants, as well as various banquet halls. High speed internet is available in each of the hotel's guestrooms.
191.67426064980287m 275 2020-04-15
30-12, Gyeryong-ro 141beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
B Station is located in Daejeon, near the center of research & development, making it a suitable accommodation choice for people attending trainings and science events. The hotel can also facilitate various events, including seminars and workshops. Guestrooms all feature high-speed internet, and hot springs water from Yuseong Hot Springs.
218.75977735798398m 0 2023-02-03
Bongmyeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
249.58554620299267m 8970 2021-02-26
21, Gyeryong-ro 141beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Legend Hotel located in Yuseong Hot Springs Special Tourist Zone is a world-class hotel with five basement floors and eleven ground floors. The hotel has various experience zones including Geumsan Insam ginseng, Boryeong mud and more as well as a germanium hot springs to relieve any stress. The hotel has comfortable guestrooms, a large banquet hall, a coffee shop and restaurants.
274.38954668848487m 5817 2021-08-05
Bongmyeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
La Zona de Aguas Termales de Yuseong se encuentra en Yuseong-gu, en el centro de la ciudad de Daejeon. Estas termas son famosas por tener especial efecto contra diferentes enfermedades. Sus aguas termales están compuestas por minerales alcalinos como el calcio, potacio, sulfuro, ácido carbónico, sílice, y especialemente contiene mucha cantidad de radio.
Se conoce que estas aguas alcalinas son buenas para el tratamiento de la neuralgia y las enfermedades geriátricas. Es bueno visitar este lugar por encontrar en sus alrededores gran complejo de hospedajes y otras instalaciones.
Dice la leyenda que a fines de la dinastía Baekje, el séptimo único hijo de esta familia sufría mucho por las heridas obtenidas en la guerra contra Silla. La madre de este estaba muy preocupada en la curación de las heridas de su hijo. Se dice que un día vio a una grulla sumergiendo su ala herida en el charco de la nieve derretida y al sacarla, estaba curada. Después de ver esto, la madre hizo lo mismo con la parte herida de su hijo, y esta se curó definitivamente.
810.4777083127138m 19096 2019-05-07
9, Oncheon-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Since opening in 1915, Yousung Hotel strive to provide the best service and facilities for its guest. With over 100-year reputation, guests from around the world have enjoy the high-class hotel that offers everything the guests need for a comfortable rest.
1.2 Km 0 2024-07-30
Yuseong-daero 740-beongil 46, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
2.3 Km 7858 2017-12-08
32, World Cup-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Lee Hwa Won opened in 1998 at the World Cup Stadium. Its location makes it easy to find and there is ample space for parking. This Chinese restaurant offers a variety of royal Chinese cuisine and attracts many family groups as well as other types of customers through its connection with the Yuseong Special Tour Zone. On the menu are hundred types of a la carte items and set menus, so the restaurant is appropriate for various special occasions and gatherings.
2.3 Km 28868 2021-03-08
WorldCup-daero 32, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
El Estadio de la Copa Mundial de Daejeon es uno de los campos de juego que albergaron la Copa Mundial Corea-Japón 2002. El estadio de uso exclusivo para fútbol cuenta con una capacidad de 42 000 aficionados. En esta cancha la selección coreana logró entrar a los cuartos de final en 2002.