Ilchurok (일출옥)


Ilchurok is a rice soup restaurant that specializes in two dishes: Aukguk (curled mallow soup) and kongnamul gukbap (bean sprout and rice soup). Aukguk is a popular dish made with curled mallow, raw shrimp, and homemade soybean paste. On the other hand, the kongnamul gukbap is a Jeollado-style rice soup prepared with anchovies and various ingredients for the broth. They also offer homemade kimchi and crunchy diced radish kimchi, which complement the meal well. Ilchurok operates from the early hours of the morning and offers affordable prices.


일출옥 063-443-5524

Information Use

Representative menu : Aukguk (Curled mallow soup)

Contact and Information : +82-63-443-5524

Business hours : 05:00-17:00

Parking facilities : Not available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Kongnamul gukbap (Bean sprout and rice soup), Moju (Unrefined rice wine)


22-3 Guyeong 6-gil, Gunsan-si, Jeonbuk-do