Kant Village (칸트의마을)

  • Kant Village (칸트의마을)
  • Kant Village (칸트의마을)
  • Kant Village (칸트의마을)
  • Kant Village (칸트의마을)
  • Kant Village (칸트의마을)


Kant Village is a bakery café, blending a European-style interior with a traditional hanok exterior and an inviting outdoor garden. Inside the café, amidst the antique ambiance, an extensive selection of desserts is displayed. The standout offerings include the Kant Blend Americano and the Signature Latte. The menu also presents treats such as bean-powder-coated mugwort rice cake, croissants, and fresh cream Mont Blanc. The serene outdoor garden provides an ideal backdrop for leisurely strolls and relaxed conversations.



Information Use

Representative menu : Kant Blend Americano

Contact and Information : +82-31-772-9006

Business hours : Monday-Friday 10:00-21:00 / Saturdays, Sundays & public holidays 10:00-22:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Signature Latte (Earl grey cream latte), Affogato


102-10 Gangnam-ro, Gangha-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do